Government schools in Victoria are responsible for developing their own education programs within Department of Education and Training (DET) policies and guidelines. A school council governs each established local school in the state education system. School councils are representative bodies, the membership of which is designed to reflect the educational partnership between students, teachers and the student’s home. The school council’s role in shared decision making involves such areas as curriculum, finance, facilities, community relations, employment of some non-teaching staff, and selection of the school principal. Councils have a responsibility to inform and consult with the school community members on important issues.
Murrumbeena Primary School Council consists of eight parent members, four teacher members, two co-opted members and the Principal. Our Council is assisted by six sub- committees, which undertake work as directed by council.
The Education Sub-committee addresses specific educational issues referred to it by Council. It is also responsible for the development and review of school policies, and for publications such as the school prospectus and school handbook.
The Finance Sub-committee monitors the financial operation of the school. The sub- committee is also involved in long term planning and recommending expenditure priorities to Council.
The Facilities Sub-committee is responsible for maintaining the grounds and buildings, co- ordinating working-bees and determining priorities for maintenance work.
The Fundraising/Social & Community Sub-committee plans and co-ordinates various fundraising and social activities, including a school fete/carnival every second year.
The Out of School Hours Sub-committee oversees Out of School Hours activities. These include Before and After School Care Programs which operate daily.
The Canteen/Uniform Sub-committee is responsible for the school’s specific trading operations in these areas.
From time to time special Working Parties are convened for specific purposes, for example, the former Multi-Purpose Hall Working Party, Swimming Pool Working Party and Building Development Working Party.
Whilst the above may seem somewhat official and formal, in reality council and its sub- committees are a forum where parents, teachers and the community can work co-operatively together in making decisions which best meet local school needs.
If you are a parent (or guardian) of a child at the school, we encourage you to nominate for vacant positions on council or become actively involved with any of the sub-committees. It is important to have a range of skills and talents on School Council, and your input would be greatly appreciated. You will be very welcome in our enthusiastic teams.
School Council meetings are open meetings, and all parents are welcome to attend as observers. Meeting dates are published in the weekly newsletter, and School Council News is included regularly in the school newsletter.
© Murrumbeena Primary School